My Pasa Is Your Pasa
Thanks For Your Time And Input. We Appreciate It.
And if you haven’t already, join us at My PASA is Your PASA on Facebook.

Serving The IDD Community
Data matters a lot to the Intellectually or Developmentally Disabled (IDD) Community. Every appointment, every contact, every milestone.
Due to the need for careful data management, Empowered Margins was invited into this community a few years ago.
We have been both honored and humbled to take our place besides these folks. Not only those overcoming the challenges of disabilities but the caring professionals and in-home providers that provide much-needed support.
Because this is some of the most fulfilling work we do, we have sponsored My PASA is Your PASA.
This is an initiative to improve the communication, the exchange of ideas — that data flow, if you will — among PASAs that enable this community to keep moving forward. We hope you’ll find it helpful.
To find out more about our work and how automation is freeing up resources, just contact us or fill out the form below.
In the meantime, we’re standing with you, every step of the way.